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  1. 2016.01.21 유용한 단어

유용한 단어

외국어/영어 2016. 1. 21. 13:04

유용한 예문 모음

1. oomph: (비격식) 정력; 특별한 매력


Jokic has enough fantasy oomph to deserve a spot on most rosters

- Rotoworld(2016)


2. rip sb. off: 바가지를 씌우다. rip off: 훔치다


"You're ripping us off!", Steve shouted, raising his voice even higher. "I trusted you, and now you're stealing from us!"

- A Rich Neighbor Named Xerox(Folklore, Andy Hertzfeld, 1983)


3. stipulate: 규정하다. 명기하다


Unfortunately, it turned out that while the agreement that Microsoft signed in 1981 stipulated that they not ship mouse-based software until a year after the Mac introduction

- A Rich Neighbor Named Xerox(Folklore, Andy Hertzfeld, 1983)


4. inadvertently: 무심코, 우연히, 부주의로


the judge ruled that Apple inadvertently gave Microsoft a perpetual license to the Mac user interface in November 1985

- A Rich Neighbor Named Xerox(Folklore, Andy Hertzfeld, 1983)


5. touche: [프]상대가 정곡을 찔렀을때 쓰는 표현(상대방의 논점을 받아들임).

John Travolta: You're not the only one in the family with brains.

Alessandro Nivola: No. Although now l am the only one with the looks.

John Travolta: Touche.

- Face off(Movie, 1997)


6. dispo: 끝났나, 더이상 없냐는 의미인 것으로 보임

you are dispo for talset?


7. slowpoke: 굼벵이, 느림뱅이

a generally playful and friendly term for a person who takes their time and/or moves slowly; usually does not imply a person is mentally slow, merely physically slow


8. comradery: 동지애

Comradery and its much more common synonym camaraderie  come from the French word camarade, which means "comrade," and whose Middle French ancestor was also the source for our word comrade. In Middle French, camarade was used to mean "roommate," "companion," or "a group sleeping in one room." It traces to the Late Latin word camera, meaning "chamber." Comradery was formed by attaching the -ry suffix (as found in wizardry and citizenry) to comrade. (Merriam-Webster, 2017)


9. preppy: (전형적으로) 비싼 사립학교 학생 같은 청소년

preppy look: 프레피 룩 ((복장이나 태도가 preppie풍인 패션; 고급 옷을 소탈하고 편하게 마구 입는 것이 특징))


You look more preppy for some reason

- WHITE MAN Criticized for Shopping in Urban Boutique(WWYD of ABC, 2014)


10. in a nutshell: 요약하면


11. uncanny: 묘한, (초자연적인), strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way

He never stops moving. His ball handling ability, shoot the ball off the dribble,
hand off the catch, you know, is uncanny.

- Lebron James on Stephen Curry


12. skipper: captain (of a ship)

The skipper still wouldn't reveal exactly what the nature of Seager's injury is.

- Rotoworld(2017)

단어뜻 참조: 네이버 영어사전


13. cringy: 오글거리는

Stay off the humor, trying to be funny isnt really working for you two, so cringy.

- Ian Gallegos(Youtube Comment, 2017)


14. careen: (of a ship) to heel over or list.

DeAndre Jordan isn't getting a whole lot of help as the Clippers ship continues to careen out of control.

- Rotoworld(2017)


15. cocky: arrogant

16. down to the wire: having a result that is not known until the end

I think the election will go right down to the wire (= be won at the last moment).

- Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary


17. spoon: To cuddle with your significant other (as in the way spoons lie together).

Well, if we do get cold, that might be a little awkward with both being naked spooning. Maybe I'll be the big spoon. (laugh)

- Naked and Afraid(Kim Shelton in Season 1, Episode 1, 2013)


18. shrewd: 상황판단이 빠른, 예리한

The 26-year-old, J.D. Davis, was a quiet acquisition by the Mets in January but he's proven to be a shrewd find, appearing in 97 games and batting .305/.374/.504 with 12 homers.

- Rotoworld(2019)


19. powder keg: 일촉즉발의 상황

I'm with May, this is an emotional powder keg you shouldn't be anywhere near. - Andrew Garner in Agents of SHIELD(S2E13) 






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