'외국어/영어'에 해당되는 글 10건

  1. 2023.06.05 How to roast a reporter for asking a stupid question
  2. 2023.04.30 볼티모어 투수 코치 기사
  3. 2023.04.23 Steve Kerr의 겸손한 화법
  4. 2023.04.16 Give me a seamless and airtight reason
  5. 2023.04.11 미국 TV시리즈 추천: Undercover Billionaire Season 2
  6. 2023.03.28 영어 작문 교정 feat. Chat GPT
  7. 2023.02.06 Freedom of Speech - 3rd Rock from the Sun
  8. 2022.06.30 Recommended dramas, TV programs II
  9. 2019.07.06 Recommended dramas, TV programs
  10. 2016.01.21 유용한 단어


It's the untrained eye that says something like that.

Erik Spoelstra(Miami Heat Coach, 2023)


2022/2023 NBA playoff 결승전 2차전후의 기자회견.


댓글들도 재미있습니다:


Perhaps the most tactful roasting ever.

Bro called her a casual in the nicest way possible.

Love how he closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose like, God. Really? Too funny.

you dont get it. those after game interviews are not for live television to pick apart, they are trying to get quotes for the shows and publications. The normal answer would have been, we know he's the MVP, we cant stop him, we can only slow him down. PERIOD. Obviously he doesnt want to go into details. But she was spot on, it wasnt even controversial what she said, and it's kinda ridiculous that Spo got angry, cause Denver has a bunch of coaches and analysts who certainly came to the same conclusion in the first quarter. the team just couldnt adjust on the spot.


댓글들을 읽다보니 기자의 질문은 그렇게 멍청한 수준이 아닐 수도 있다는 생각도 드네요. 다만 Spo감독의 표정 연기가 너무 완벽했고, 멘트가 너무 재미있어서 인용해봤습니다. 아니면 Spo의 전략분석 수준이 너무 높아서 그렇게 느낀 걸 수도 있을 거고요.


댓글의 맞춤법과 문법은 맞지 않는 경우가 많으니 문맥 위주로만 보세요.


Erik Spoelstra goes off on reporter for asking this about Nikola Jokic after Game 2(Chaz NBA, 2023)


Yahoo Fantasy 게임을 하다보니 경기만 볼때보다 선수들의 기록에 익숙해 지게 됩니다. 타자 친화적인 구장을 가지고 있는 볼티모어가 최근 몇년간 투수 기록이 좋아서 약간 의아하게 생각해왔습니다. 검증된 베테랑을 데려온 것이 아니라 젊은 투수들이 좋은 기록을 낼 경우 코치진을 보게되는데요. 


그 과정에서 누가 투수코치(Chris Holt)이고, 인터뷰 중 나온 단어(laurel)가 흥미로워서 기록합니다.


“I think a lot of people, when they want to get good at something, they want to do it at the highest level possible,” he said. “You can never really rest on your laurels. … When we have a World Series ring on our finger, I think we can talk sense of accomplishment. But for right now, the work is the work, and you just have to keep putting it in every day.”

Chris Holt(Portland Press Herald, 2022)

해석: 현재의 영예(영광)에 절대 안주할 수 없다.

(짧은 마이너리그 선수생활 후 메이저리그 투수코치가 되었고, 인터뷰 당시 기준 팀방어율 3.91(30팀중 15위)로 전년도 꼴지(5.84) 에서 괄목할 만한 성장을 한 부분을 본인의 기준에서 laurels라고 표현한 것 같네요.)


1. 네이버사전에는 다음과 같이 나옵니다.

laurel: 월계수, 월계관(복수형, 영예의 상징)


2. Merriam-Webster Dictionary의 정의

a crown of laurel awarded as an honor
a recognition of achievement : HONOR —usually used in plural


※ 관련링크



Portland native Chris Holt thriving in the big leagues as Orioles’ pitching coach

The Cheverus graduate and former St. Joseph's pitcher is overseeing a staff that has sparked an improved Baltimore team.



Pitching Coach Chris Holt Talks John Means, Félix Hernández & Grayson Rodriguez(Baltimore Orioles, 2021)

Steve Kerr는 선수 시절부터 말을 잘했던 기억이 납니다. 

선수시절엔 role player로 성공했을 뿐 아니라 코치로서도 큰 성공을 거두었는데.

화법과 톤이 겸손하고 침착하여 비호감의 느낌이 전혀 생기지 않습니다.

표현도 너무 자연스러워 그중에 한 문장을 추출하여 익히도록 합니다.


W or L MJ for picking on Steve Kerr?(Yervakin Clips, 2023)


I'm extremely competitive, too. Just not good enough to back it up.

나도 (MJ처럼) 상당히 경쟁심이 심합니다. 다만, 그 주장을 뒷받침할 근거가 충분하지는 않아요.


※ 참고(Steve Kerr)

1. 드래프트: 2라운드, 전체 50순위.

2. 우승(선수): 5회(1995-1996, 1996-1997, 1997-1998, 1998-1999, 2002-2003)

3. 우승(감독): 3회(2014-2015, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2021-2022)

n.b. MJ 우승: 6회

예전에 미드에서 여주인공이 ~한 이유를 대보라고 말하면서, 유사한 형용사를 5-6개를 썼던 기억이 어렴풋이 납니다.

정확히 기억이 안나서 혹시 Chat GPT가 아는지 물어봤더니 역시나 엉뚱한 답변을 하네요.


혹시나 맞았는지 싶어서, 해당 드라마의 script를 찾아봤더니 S2E4에 해당 대사가 없습니다. 제가 봤던 드라마는 더 이전의 드라마이고요.


그래서, 여기서 배울 것만 얻어가기로 합니다. 


영어학습(스피킹)을 위해, 위에서 학습한 내용을 바탕으로 예문을 만들어서 당시의 상황에 접목시켜서 각인시킵니다.


Give me a seamless, flawless, perfect, smooth, airtight, and impenetrable reason not to kick your ass.

한글 제목은 억만장자 파헤치기.

시즌2: 9/10점.

디스커버리 채널에서 공개. 플레이리스트가 역순으로 되어 불편하므로 다음과 같이 1회부터 볼 수 있도록 정렬.

내용은 스포가 될 수 있어서 적지 않습니다.




























※전체 플레이리스트(역순)



억만장자 파헤치기




'외국어 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

Steve Kerr의 겸손한 화법  (0) 2023.04.23
Give me a seamless and airtight reason  (0) 2023.04.16
영어 작문 교정 feat. Chat GPT  (0) 2023.03.28
Freedom of Speech - 3rd Rock from the Sun  (0) 2023.02.06
Recommended dramas, TV programs II  (0) 2022.06.30

Chat 버전보다는 API버전이 더 나은 것 같아서 엄밀히는 OpenAI API로 진행.

이전에 작성했듯이 일부 부정확한 정보로 실망감을 주었던 경우와 다르게, 영문법 교정은 아주 대단합니다.

문법에는 맞게 썼더라도 어색한 부분을 자연스럽게 바꿔줘서 제 writing이 얼마나 부족한 지 깨닫게 해줍니다.

(예전에 한번봤던 IELTS writing에서 만점을 받긴 했으나,,,단어 구사, 문장의 조화는 턱없이 부족하네요)


1. 제가 오늘 쓴 문장(Steve Jobs의 연설문을 보내달라고 하신 아버지께 제 의견을 카톡으로 보내려고 작성):

I respect Steve Jobs as one of the most famous entrepreneurs and one of the greatest presenters in the world. I, however, despise him for negative thinking, criticizing others for copying his work while he copied others' work.


2. AI의 교정:

I have admiration for Steve Jobs as one of the most esteemed entrepreneurs and exceptional presenters in the world. However, I also have disdain for his tendency to be negative and for his criticism of others for taking inspiration from his work, when his own work was inspired from others.


영어로 작성할 때 너무 직접적이기 보다는 다소 간접적으로 돌려서 작성하는게 더 고급스럽게 느껴지는데, 그 AI가 그 원칙에 따라 잘 바꿔주네요. 또한 제가 쓴 문장은 명사와 동명사를 and로 묶어서 댓구가 맞질 않는데, AI는 have disdain으로 for를 양쪽에 걸어줌으로써 명사구로 완벽히 묶어 주네요. 


또한 famous보다는 esteemed가 더 적합할 뿐만 아니라 느낌도 멋지고 고급스럽네요.


남을 모방한다고 할때 저는 그것을 직역해서 copy라고 했는데, AI는 taking inspiration from, inspired from이라고 표현하니 너무 원색적인 비난으로 들리지 않고, 점잖은 표현으로 느껴집니다.


작문 능력과 어휘 향상에는 아주 유용한 기능을 제공해 줘서 만족스럽습니다.


※ 추가적으로 AI에게 Steve Jobs에 대해 평가를 요청하자 다음과 같이 대답했습니다:


I think Steve Jobs was a remarkable innovator and visionary whose contribution to the world of technology and design will be remembered for a long time. He pushed the boundaries of what was possible in the world of technology and inspired many people to follow their dreams and create something new. However, he could also be a bit abrasive and arrogant, and I feel that sometimes his criticism of others was a bit unfair.


미드에서 인상적인 장면이 있었는데, 정확한 대사가 기억이 나지 않아서 ChatGpt에 질문함.


Q. main characters in 3rd rock from the sun
A. The main characters in 3rd Rock from the Sun are: 1. Dick Solomon (John Lithgow) 2. Sally Solomon (Kristen Johnston) 3. Tommy Solomon (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) 4. Harry Solomon (French Stewart) 5. Mary Albright (Jane Curtin) 6. Dr. Albright (Wayne Knight) 7. Nina Campbell (Simbi Khali) 8. Don Orville (Jonathan Hogan) 9. Officer Don (John Michael Higgins) 10. Professor Philips (Elmarie Wendel)
Q. did Tommy Solomon say, "you can stop me now but you can't stop more people behind me"?
A. No, this line is not said by Tommy Solomon in 3rd Rock from the Sun.
Q. Who said something like that?
A. This line was said by the character Chantel in the movie The Hate U Give.
Q. Tommy Solomon said something like, "you can stop me now but there are thousands of people behind me seeking freedom." Which episode was it?
A. This line was said by Tommy Solomon in the Season 4 episode of 3rd Rock from the Sun titled "The Freedom of Speech".
Q. What is the exact quote of that line?
A. The exact quote is,You can stop me, but you can't stop thousands of people behind me, seeking freedom.
Q. Which episode was it?
A. This line was said by Tommy Solomon in the Season 4 episode of 3rd Rock from the Sun titled "The Freedom of Speech".


확인 결과 답변이 잘못됨을 확인함.


정확한 답은 Season 6, Episode 8. Red, White & Dick.


Fine! Go ahead! Strike me down! But there are many more like me who will stand up to you, who will pick up the burning torch of freedom and hold it high in my place! And it's not a question of if or when someone picks up that torch, it's a question of who!


하지만 ChatGpt도 인정을 해줄 수 있는 부분은 부정확한 대사를 토대로 질문을 했는데, freedom of speech라는 키워드를 도출해내서, 이를 토대로 답변을 찾을 수 있게 되었음. 기존에 google검색으로는 몇시간을 헤매도 찾지 못했음에 비교하면 상대적 우위. 키워드 도출, 문맥 변경(영문 첨삭지도) 등에는 유용한 수준이라고 보임.



Speech of freedom! (3rd Rock from the Sun) (yumeai, 2013)
※ 관련링크


An API for accessing new AI models developed by OpenAI


Tommy Quote #347 - 3rd Rock from the Sun - TV Quotes

Tommy Quote #347 - 3rd Rock from the Sun - TV Quotes

A funny quote from Tommy in the 3rd Rock from the Sun episode `Red, White & Dick`.



3rd Rock from the Sun: Season 6, Episode 8 script | Subs like Script


3rd Rock from the Sun: Season 6, Episode 8 script | Subs like Script

3rd Rock from the Sun (1996–2001): Season 6, Episode 8 - Red, White & Dick - full transcript Dick loves America, but does America love Dick? Announcer: Please rise for the national anthem. Oh. That's the most pathetic wave I've ever seen. These people ar



'외국어 > 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

미국 TV시리즈 추천: Undercover Billionaire Season 2  (0) 2023.04.11
영어 작문 교정 feat. Chat GPT  (0) 2023.03.28
Recommended dramas, TV programs II  (0) 2022.06.30
Recommended dramas, TV programs  (0) 2019.07.06
유용한 단어  (0) 2016.01.21


A. Must Watch List


1. The Killing: Season 1(8.3) , Season 2(7.5), Season 3(7.8), S4(6.5)

Lots of twists until the very end of season 1.


2. The Last of Us: Season 1(8.2)

For Edutainment purpose:


A. Must Watch List


1. A Discovery of Witches: Season 1(9.0)

2. Bodyguard: Season 1(9.0)


   (1) Good: Blows you away from the first episode. You begin to get interested in British dramas.

   (2) Bad: So mind boggling when the English actress, Keeley Hawes distracts you with her sex scenes. She is younger as 43yo than Gina Mckee, 55 but Gina looks much younger and hotter. If director wanted the love/sex scenes that much in Season 1, Gina should be in there and not Keeley Hawes. I really hope the director would consider excluding sex scenes as it doesn't help the storyline tighter. Kiss would be enough if love scene is really needed.

3. The 100: S1(9.1), S2(9.1), S3(9.0), S4(8.5), S5(8.7)

4. The I-Land: S1(9.0)

5. Manifest: S1(9.0), S2(8.8), S3(7.2), S4(6.0) -- S4E20(8.9)

6. The Mist: S1(9.0)

7. The Night Agent: S1(9.0) -- Acting of  Gabriel Basso is a little worse than that in Bodyguard but his awkward smile makes him more likeable.



11. The Stranger: S1(8.8)

12. The Order: S1(8.8)

13. Locke & Key: S1(8.5)


     Very creative and unique storyline. The well lady has so much power and could have it all but somehow idles away just for the sake of the storyline. If you can ignore that, this drama can stand above The Blackist.

14. The Blacklist: S1(8.8)

     A successful series, which will have the 7th season soon, knows how to start the first episode.

15. Arrow: S1(8.5)


     I am not a big fan of DC movies but DC drama is way better. DC's Legends of Torrmow is the first one to catch my eyes but now I could easily understand why this drama started it all. Unexpectedly tight storyline prevents me from removing this drama from My List.



21. Kingdom: S1(8.5), S2(8.5)


    I don't like Kdrama, zombies or historical background but this drama beats all the odds. If they hadn't dragged the last episode, I would have given them 9.0. I'll start watching Korean dramas or movies despite this page was supposed to be a edutainment.

22. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: S1(8.0), S2(8.0), S3(7.8), S4(9.1), S5(8.6), S6(8.2)



61. Homeland:  8.3

62. Timeless:  S1(8.3), S2(7.9)

63. 12 Monkeys: S1(8.3), S2(6.5)


    Season 1 is very well made. Casting of Aaron Stanford and Amanda Schull seems almost perfect. Season 2 kind of ruins the artwork of season 1 by dragging the storyline like what Lost did. After painfully trying to finish watching season 2, I decided not to watch season 3.

64. Biohackers:  S1(8.2)

65. Messiah:  S1(7.6)

66. Into the Night:  S1(7.5)

67. Salvation:  S1(7.5)

71. DC's Legends of Tomorrow: S1(7.0), S2(5.8)


    I will put this drama on top 10 if it didn't lose the momentum after a boring love story between Kendra and Ray began in the middle of season 1. Even in season 2, it didn't regain the excitement of the early episodes of season 1.



91. Instant Hotel: S1(7.5), S2(7.6)

     You will like the series if you love Australia.

92. Interior Design Masters: S1E3(7.3)

93. Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj: V4E2, V3E1



B. Pending List

Not sure yet


1. StayHere: S1E1



C. Don't Watch List

Stopped Watching


1. Flash: S1E1


    I love the storyline and Grant Gustin is quite natural in it but I can't stand Candice Patton's acting. She looks so akward in her role and tries to do too much to look cute or hot. 

2. The World's Most Extraordinary Homes: S2PB1, S2PB2


     (1) Good: Nice houses with unique architecture.

     (2) Bad: Enough is enough. I stopped watching this. I don't want my mood of enjoying beautiful architecture to be ruined by having to watch the female presenter swim in every episode. She is 59 years old and her body is far from being well shaped.

3. Madam Secretary

    Couldn't even finish watching the first episode of season 1.

4. Star Trek: Discovery


    Starting minutes of a drama is very important. Both Sonequa Martin-Green and Michelle Yeoh failed to impress me. I gave them no less than a patient 15 minutes. Having the Chinese feel didn't help, either. Removed from My List.

5. Marvel's Jessica Jones

6. Big Dreams Small Spaces: S1E2

7. The OA: S1E1

8. Russian Doll: The first episode is 24 minute long and I could barely finish the half

9. Lost in Space: S1E7(6.8)


    The first few episodes were really cool but the presence of Parker Posey lowers the score of this drama and makes it hard for me to continue watching.

유용한 단어

외국어/영어 2016. 1. 21. 13:04

유용한 예문 모음

1. oomph: (비격식) 정력; 특별한 매력


Jokic has enough fantasy oomph to deserve a spot on most rosters

- Rotoworld(2016)


2. rip sb. off: 바가지를 씌우다. rip off: 훔치다


"You're ripping us off!", Steve shouted, raising his voice even higher. "I trusted you, and now you're stealing from us!"

- A Rich Neighbor Named Xerox(Folklore, Andy Hertzfeld, 1983)


3. stipulate: 규정하다. 명기하다


Unfortunately, it turned out that while the agreement that Microsoft signed in 1981 stipulated that they not ship mouse-based software until a year after the Mac introduction

- A Rich Neighbor Named Xerox(Folklore, Andy Hertzfeld, 1983)


4. inadvertently: 무심코, 우연히, 부주의로


the judge ruled that Apple inadvertently gave Microsoft a perpetual license to the Mac user interface in November 1985

- A Rich Neighbor Named Xerox(Folklore, Andy Hertzfeld, 1983)


5. touche: [프]상대가 정곡을 찔렀을때 쓰는 표현(상대방의 논점을 받아들임).

John Travolta: You're not the only one in the family with brains.

Alessandro Nivola: No. Although now l am the only one with the looks.

John Travolta: Touche.

- Face off(Movie, 1997)


6. dispo: 끝났나, 더이상 없냐는 의미인 것으로 보임

you are dispo for talset?


7. slowpoke: 굼벵이, 느림뱅이

a generally playful and friendly term for a person who takes their time and/or moves slowly; usually does not imply a person is mentally slow, merely physically slow


8. comradery: 동지애

Comradery and its much more common synonym camaraderie  come from the French word camarade, which means "comrade," and whose Middle French ancestor was also the source for our word comrade. In Middle French, camarade was used to mean "roommate," "companion," or "a group sleeping in one room." It traces to the Late Latin word camera, meaning "chamber." Comradery was formed by attaching the -ry suffix (as found in wizardry and citizenry) to comrade. (Merriam-Webster, 2017)


9. preppy: (전형적으로) 비싼 사립학교 학생 같은 청소년

preppy look: 프레피 룩 ((복장이나 태도가 preppie풍인 패션; 고급 옷을 소탈하고 편하게 마구 입는 것이 특징))


You look more preppy for some reason

- WHITE MAN Criticized for Shopping in Urban Boutique(WWYD of ABC, 2014)


10. in a nutshell: 요약하면


11. uncanny: 묘한, (초자연적인), strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way

He never stops moving. His ball handling ability, shoot the ball off the dribble,
hand off the catch, you know, is uncanny.

- Lebron James on Stephen Curry


12. skipper: captain (of a ship)

The skipper still wouldn't reveal exactly what the nature of Seager's injury is.

- Rotoworld(2017)

단어뜻 참조: 네이버 영어사전


13. cringy: 오글거리는

Stay off the humor, trying to be funny isnt really working for you two, so cringy.

- Ian Gallegos(Youtube Comment, 2017)


14. careen: (of a ship) to heel over or list.

DeAndre Jordan isn't getting a whole lot of help as the Clippers ship continues to careen out of control.

- Rotoworld(2017)


15. cocky: arrogant

16. down to the wire: having a result that is not known until the end

I think the election will go right down to the wire (= be won at the last moment).

- Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary


17. spoon: To cuddle with your significant other (as in the way spoons lie together).

Well, if we do get cold, that might be a little awkward with both being naked spooning. Maybe I'll be the big spoon. (laugh)

- Naked and Afraid(Kim Shelton in Season 1, Episode 1, 2013)


18. shrewd: 상황판단이 빠른, 예리한

The 26-year-old, J.D. Davis, was a quiet acquisition by the Mets in January but he's proven to be a shrewd find, appearing in 97 games and batting .305/.374/.504 with 12 homers.

- Rotoworld(2019)


19. powder keg: 일촉즉발의 상황

I'm with May, this is an emotional powder keg you shouldn't be anywhere near. - Andrew Garner in Agents of SHIELD(S2E13) 






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